Cream Cheese Frosting

Today I'm going to share one of my favorite recipes with you. It is for cream cheese frosting. I use it when I make cupcakes and people are always asking me for the recipe. In reality it is very easy to make, but it's so yummy, people think it's complex.



  1. Bring the butter to room temperature. Beat the butter in a mixer for about 2-3 minutes.
  2. Take the cream cheese directly from the refrigerator and add it to the butter. Beat for another 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add in about half of the powdered sugar. Mix slowly until the sugar is incorporated.
  4. Add the other half of the powdered sugar. Mix slowly until incorporated.
  5. Add the vanilla and heavy cream. Mix until incorporated and then beat on a high speed for about five minutes.
  6. Afterwards, taste the frosting and see if it's good. If it's too thin, add more sugar. If it's too thick, add more cream. Add vanilla if you want. You may add food coloring if you wish.
  7. You may spread this on your cupcakes with a knife, but I find it's easiest to use a pastry bag and a decorative tip.


This amazing recipe comes from one of my favorite baking websites: